What is the meaning of your name?
Everything vibrates. Nothing stays at rest. The syllables you’re reading right now are sound waves perceived by your body. Aaron Sorkin, famous screenwriter who wrote “The Social Network,” relates speech to music - with rhythm, pitch, tone, and meter.
Sound symbolism deals with the meaning behind the sounds that make up our language. For example, ‘gl-’ usually refers to something shiny, such as glass, glamor, and glistening. Similarly, the vowel ‘i’, when applied to a consonant, has a shrinking effect, for example tiny, within, slight, and kill. The impact of vowels and consonants on the meaning of the words they make up may have to do with the unique toroidal fields evoked by the sounds they produce.
“Vowel” starts with “vow,” so in a way, every time we speak, we are binding ourselves to the words we say. According to Ted Andrews, author of the book “The Sacred Power of Your Name,” the vowels in our names can point to the unique origins of our souls. I saw an Instagram post the other day that said, “Every girl has been traumatized by a guy with a ‘J’ name.” As far as I can tell, “J” names have the same reputation as Geminis and Scorpios, which I’m not sure I can agree with because it’s Geminaria that brought us Tweets like this:
The English language is mapped out using numbers and frequencies. “A” is the first letter of the alphabet with the numerology of 1, the divine masculine. “A” marks the beginning, much like how Abraham marked the beginning of the three major monotheistic religions. “B” is the second letter with a numerology of 2, the divine feminine. It’s derived from the Hebrew letter Beth, which seeded the ancient Israelite city Bethel, where Jacob dreamt of a ladder ascending from Earth to Heaven and gave the town its name, which translates to “House of God.” If we take Bethel as a metaphor for the female body, this verse from Genesis 12:8 reveals the role of a woman: “There [Abraham] built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord.” In Genesis 28:17, Jacob marvels at the holiness of the land: “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.”
Evoking someone’s name helps us connect to their energy. A name is much more than a bunch of letters. It’s the essence of a soul distilled down to a single word. To quote Dale Carnegie, “Remember that a person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” Although the Bible says to not judge a book by its cover, this one post from Instagram might be preaching to the choir: “When the devil can’t get a hold of you, he sends a girl in your life with two As in her name and ends in the sound ‘ah.’” True story.