What Money Might Look Like in the New Spiritual Economy - Cryptocurrency, quantum physics, energy, and spirituality
Where is Bitcoin headed?
From a tax perspective, Bitcoin is taxed for realized gain. That is, it is only taxed when it is exchanged / sold and only if there is a gain in the value between the time it was acquired and the time it was sold. Theoretically, then, if Bitcoin prices stayed stable, there would be very little gains, and exchange of goods / services could occur without taxation. It’s easy to see how this would be advantageous for freelancers for whom doing taxes is a nightmare. The other advantage of Bitcoin being treated as an asset is that capital losses can help reduce taxes. That’s not to say that there won’t be new tax laws and regulations created around it.
The Age of Aquarius is all about shifting power away from large governments and corporations that abuse said power and putting it back in the hands of individuals. Having a way for people to exchange goods / services without too much government interference is a step in that direction.
Will Bitcoin replace the dollar as the new currency?
The total number of electronic payment transactions in the world is about to increase by a lot. With the pandemic, we saw a sharp uptick in e-commerce activity, and that’s just the beginning of it all. If Bitcoin spurs the growth of small, independent businesses, demand for efficient ways of transacting will go up. The dollar, being much more liquid than Bitcoin which has an average processing time of ten minutes, will likely be needed for the next little while to properly support this growth. So the answer to this question is no, probably not.
What will money look like?
We have to remember that there is no intrinsic value behind any currency. The backstage of the financial system is a Wizard of Oz situation where the wizard is a lot of analysts typing on computers. If a bank suddenly lost all their money, they should not be concerned because all it means is that the numbers on their computers have changed, and there are a few people who have the ability to change the numbers to anything they want at their discretion. Some refer to them as “the elite”, but I prefer to refer to them as people because the elite are people too. The perceived structural integrity of the financial system is a result of how much people trust it. Everyone has a different opinion on how fragile the financial system is depending on how they make their money. I won’t try to change your beliefs, but I will say this: the financial system is not antifragile. I would caution against using the number in your bank account as a proxy for wealth, even though it is a hell of a lot of fun to pump that number up.
What I believe is the most likely scenario is that there will be two realities coexisting on the same plane. You can think of these realities as being nested within each other, and you can subscribe to one reality or multiple realities depending on your body’s own frequency. For the majority of the planet, the current financial system will still serve as the main reality. Alongside that, there will be a part of the world that will operate in both realities by integrating dollars and cryptocurrency in strategic ways to meet goals. Finally, there will be people who fulfill their every need using only cryptocurrency, as there already are.
The premise of the multiple reality hypothesis is that there is no one reality that’s better than another; each reality serves a purpose. What is exciting, however, is that there is always the possibility for a collapsing of realities. In quantum physics, it’s when a “superposition of several eigenstates reduces to a single eigenstate due to interaction with the external world”. In plain English, you can think of it as a collapsing of timelines based on the collective consciousness of those observing the timelines. When that happens, the more negative timeline gets purged out because it no longer serves a purpose.
That may sound like a reason to celebrate, and it is, but I feel it’s my duty to include the following fine print. A lot of what we humans perceive to be negative is not what the universe perceives as negative. The universe doesn’t care about good versus evil; its only goal is to grow. It cares about growth so much that sometimes it’s willing to destroy itself and start over so that it can grow more. It is likely that we’re in the nth iteration of a working universe and entirely possible that n is actually kind of close to infinity. That is a reason to celebrate because the universe worked very hard to bring you here. If you’re ever having a bad day, if you can somehow remember the unlikelihood of your existence, I guarantee that you will let at least a bit of the bad things go.
Plus, without chaos, life would be boring. Feel free to quote me on that.
What will the financial system look like?
The Chaos Model is the most accurate descriptor of how the stock market behaves: apparent random states governed by underlying patterns that are sensitive to small perturbations. This is commonly known as The Butterfly Effect. The individual effects of these small perturbations escape even the most sophisticated mathematical models and are not something we tend to care about. Another way of saying it is our senses are only capable of detecting a portion of the cumulative effects of these tiny disturbances.
Think of a savings account which you deposit money into. If it was anything like the stock market, you would be depositing money into it time after time without seeing any value change only to get an envelope in the mail after an arbitrary amount of time containing an arbitrary amount of cash.
The world is an interconnected system with complex feedback loops, and this is demonstrated in the stock market. From an energy standpoint, the stock market is not very efficient. Energy exchange produces more jagged results than smooth. Imagine if photons operated like the savings account in the previous example. We would all be dead.
Efficiency of energy exchange is proportional to frequency. The higher the frequency, the more efficient the energy exchange. The frequency of an object is inversely proportional to how many distinct frequencies it has. Usually, bigger things have a greater number of distinct frequencies. Let’s break it down in simple terms. Atoms small. Atoms fast. Atoms high frequency. Cells bigger. Cells lower frequency. Humans big. Humans low frequency. This because every organ in the human body vibrates at a different frequency and the cumulative dissonance bleeds energy like Elon Musk bleeds cash.
If dissonance bleeds energy, it would only make sense that the opposite of dissonance, resonance, generates energy. Resonance and coherence are the pathway to harmony and wholeness. If those words feel good, it’s because coherence feels good. When you’re in a state of coherence, you can absorb more energy from the free energy sources that are available to everyone. You become, quite literally, one with the universe. How does one become more coherent, you may ask? One of the best ways is to match your own body’s rhythm to the rhythm of the highest system - Nature. Following your natural circadian rhythm, meditating, and being in nature are all strategies for getting energy for free by leveraging the powers of entrainment.
The reason why coherency matters is because efficiency of energy exchange must increase in order for the universe to continue to grow. I can’t tell you exactly what the financial system will look like, but I’m certain that in the next couple of years, we can expect to see a much more free, more efficient marketplace where wealth and goods are directed to those who will receive the greatest benefit from such things.
How is this related to the spiritual world?
If you don’t believe in karma, I don’t blame you. The karmic system is as clear as mud.
What is karma? It’s a governing law stating that every cause or action has a specific effect. In other words, a cause which has a unique energy signature transforms into an effect which has a different but also unique energy signature which cannot be created from anything other than the cause. In other other words, karma describes a unique transference of energy. Sound familiar? It should because this fits in neatly with the energy exchange model I was describing earlier.
The current changes that we are experiencing in the money system were seeded by the spiritual world. The frequencies of Earth and everyone living on Earth are being raised. You might remember from earlier that higher frequency equals more efficient energy transfer. What all of this means from a karmic perspective is that people will be more aware of the consequences of their thoughts and actions. Unlike in ancient Egypt, you won’t have to wait until the afterlife for karma to catch up to you. Karma will have a much quicker turnaround. You will make better decisions because you won’t have to wait for the consequences to appear; you’ll automatically be able to feel them and naturally shift away from the ones that don’t feel good.
I know I cautioned you against celebrating earlier, but this is something worth a big celebration.
How can I secure my position in the new economy?
There is an invisible field that we are all part of and are in constant communication with through the vibrations we give off. When you give to the field, it gives back in buckets. Just like how cells have memory, the universe has a memory too. Every action, thought, word, sound is stored in a holographic storage device known as the Akashic Field. Your spiritual credit is a lot more important than your money credit (or street credit for that matter).
With that being said, I don’t recommend putting 100% of your energy towards acquiring spiritual credit and pretending that money isn’t a thing that exists. Trust me, if that worked, I would be doing that. Jesus can’t save someone who’s making horrible investment choices. There is no money strategy that will work for everyone. You have to find what works for you. Everyone has their own individual strengths, and you should play to your strengths. You are equipped with your own gut feeling which is your free gift that’s unique to you. It takes some practice, but you can train yourself to get really good at using it. If something comes easy to you, take note of that. If something gets you excited, even if you can’t quite explain why, pay attention to that because that’s a very good sign. Here are my own personal guidelines:
I don’t invest in companies if I don’t like their product, no matter how much hype there is around the company.
I don’t invest in industries I don’t know anything about.
If there is even a shred of anxiety about a money decision, I back off and try to get to the bottom of it. Fear is a messenger. Fear and anxiety in general are not good energies to have when it comes to money because they’re constricting energies and you don’t want constricting energy around something you’re trying to grow. This matters because after all, everything is energy.
I try my best to resist the temptation to get in on other people’s wins because not every win is meant for everyone. Greediness and gambling do not mix well.
It’s the same mentality as poker: don’t get caught up in the wins and losses of each game; focus on playing the game the best way you know how and trust that everything will work itself out in the long run.
I try to envision the world I would like to live in and find investments that are aligned with that because that is something that makes my heart feel good. I don’t put 100% of my focus on acquiring material wealth either. I’ve done that before, and it was painful. It’s like pouring money into an empty void that never gets filled. Because of the work I’ve done spiritually, I feel good in knowing that even if I lost all my money today, I would still be okay.
I assume that by this point you understand how to take care of the material world, so let’s talk about what you can do to get more karma.
This should come as no surprise. Give. Give as much as you can give whilst making sure you’re taking care of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You can give your time, services, wealth, talents, and when you think you have nothing to give, give your good will and well intentions. When you choose to be peaceful, you’re giving an offering of peace, or a peace offering, to universe. Interconnectedness is a property of the universal field. Every vibration you give off is reverberated throughout the entire field. When you send good intentions to someone, even if it doesn’t get realized by that person, the field perceives the vibration of the intention and shifts everything as a result of your good wishes.
Finally, the best investment you can make is on your own talent. A well-known sentiment in Silicon Valley is that if a problem can be solved by throwing money at it, then it’s not a problem. The bottleneck to technological innovation is not money but rather talent. There is a huge deficit of talent in the universe. The new world I described earlier isn’t going to build itself. It’s going to require a lot of ingenuity and creativity. Believe it or not, everyone is gifted with their own unique talent, but most people are not using it. Instead, they’re helping make someone else’s dreams come true. The first step to getting everyone to do what they’re most talented at is to lift everyone out of poverty. No one is free until we’re all free.
At the time of writing this blog post, the combined power of the various astrological influences is something that is only experienced once every couple of hundred years. All that means is that this is a very special time to be alive. We’re witnessing a world that is being turned inside out right in front of our eyes.